Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thoughts on the trip.

now that we are in Berlin i think i can adequately report on my feelings of this whole trip and the German people in gerneral, and i hope with no political insertions other than that pink song about the president is absolutely worthless, hypocritical, and disappointing. But as for the trip A+ all the way around! i really think that everything has been wonderful, taken care of for us and perfectly smooth, it has been great to not have to worry about transportation and organiying tours on our own, but it has also been combined with a great deal of freedom on the weekends, which i love. i absolutely love the ability to travel on my own and have the freedom and responsibility to find somewhere to sleep and the adventure of just being out in the world on my own. but as for during the week you can not have 23 individuals on their own running around so the scheduling has been good as for that. like everytime we have to wait for a train or miss a schedule in anyway our AIB get nervous that we will get ancy or upset and tries to make everything right, but trust me we dont mind waiting and understand fully. Other than that the German culture is wonderful, absolutley wonderful, though i dont like not being able to cross the streets when you want, i am able to stand it now and wait, they do not seem as rushed as us Americans even though they keep tight schedules, we speed everywhere and walk quickly especially in New York or any major population center, but here in berlin it is not so much. but that is saved for the berlin post later. German in general is fun and structured and just cool, so i will definately be coming back, maybe to see my host family, maybe to see nurnberg or munchen but we will see. saturday i leave this place and go back to the usual, back to America but i will be changed. A different and more complete understanding and view of history along with a great appreciation for this place and what they have dealt with in the past 100, 200, 300 years. Also the presentation yesterday was incredibly interesting, what a neat man Wirchow was, it really makes me want to read his book, and be a more rounded person, not just interested in medicine but also activive in politics and society and history and the human condition of the world. just like the heart of darkness makes you examine the human condition on this planet so do things like dachau and Wirchovs view on health as a right and responsibility of those inclinded. well cheers, i will miss this place but cant stay, and i will go back to the ordinary life in CStat but will not be the same.

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