Saturday, August 04, 2007

Hangin in the Düss

Last week we did a lot of really cool things. On thursday, we visited bayer in Wuppertal. The chemistry department was the my favorite part. It reminded me a lot of our organic chemistry lab but on a much larger scale. It struck me as something I could do as a job. There is a lot of exploration and experimentation involved and that is something I enjoy.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, we went to Hannover to visit the vet school there. Tuesday evening I palpated a cow. I think I could make out the pelvis, but that was about it. Apparently if you reach in a bit further, you can feel the cervix and it is similar to a turkey neck. I am currently premed, but I have thought a lot about vet school. I enjoy going out to the farms and talking about the veterinary aspects of the work there.

This weekend I am going to be hanging around the altstadt. We´ll se how that goes.

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