Sunday, August 05, 2007

Adieu Düsseldorf

So as we aproach the time to leave this place I am a bit sad. We have one day left here, one week left in Germany and then back to the real world. While some are desperate to get home, i feel well earger to see my friends, see my family, but i also will be sad to leave this place. It has been great to me; the food, my family, and the program. I enjoyed everything here is Düsseldorf, down to the time i have to spend writing my paper, which i kept putting off to talk with my host brother and laugh at German TV with him. I know this is not the end of the program, and this is definately not my goodbye to Germany but for Düsseldorf my time is short. Today we will have a BBQ i guess it is because i am leaving. I dont know who they will invite since i have met so many of their friends while i have been here. The art teacher my mom goes to buy groceries with, Achim and his family whom they have known for a while, Lenny David´s friend, their adopted grandmother and her son who Doris has known all her life, and the couples i met last night and today. That really is alot of people that i have met, talked to and enjoyed through my host family. Achim and I have had long talks about the state of Germany its relation to the rest of the World. He is very educated and knows quite a bit about France as well, and he does not seem as radically Liberal as many of the young people i have met here, he is older and has seen quite a bit. But it is true what was said about the German people loving America, at least all of those who are older, even the young people have a fasination with America. They love to talk about it, they love to debate its politics, and they would love to go there. Though the dollar is dropping in value and our markets have fallen in the past few days dues to a report on sluggish job creation (among other things), it is still the land of oportunity in their eyes. The Chemist I talked to at Bayer worked in California for a long time, and would love to go back and work in America again. The problem he said was he, "met a German Lady" and he had to come back here, they also made him an amazing job offer so he came back. I still dont quite understand what exactly is the draw to America, wide open spaces or is it more simly the draw of Hollywood with lights and fame. Most shows here seem more focused on Paparatzi footage of stars and the lives of the stars than American shows are, and they are American Stars. American movies and TV are popular here, i think that has an infuence on their affinity for our country as well. Well i must go wrap up my other assignments as well, Cheers.

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