Thursday, August 02, 2007

Moo Moo Medicine

This week has been great so far. We spent two days in Hannover at the vet school. Being pre-vet, this was especially interesting for me. Also, we looked more at the large animal/food animal medicine area which is something that I have been in dire need of experince in. I really enjoy learning about the animals that I have never had much contact with thoughout my life, and what it takes to care for them, keep them healthy, and treat the illnesses they can come down with.
The barbeque that the fraternity had for us was a treat because I got to chat with the german vet students about what the German system was like for vet school and their areas of interest. Just like in the states, going into small animal medicine is more popular than large animal medicine. What a shame!
Today we are visiting Bayer. It should be pretty neat and I think it could help me write my paper.

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