Sunday, August 05, 2007

the last stretch...

Approximately day 31

I'm home from my last weekend expedition (which was amazing) getting ready for bed. I spent the weekend in Amsterdam. This city, I believe, is one of my most favorite places I have ever been. We had a long week around the more vet related part of our program. It was nice to get away from everything and relax... Well somewhat. I'm ready to head back, but I will miss this place. Where dogs aren't friendly, people push to get on public transpo, water is just as expensive as beer, people don't smile when they look at you, you can carry alcohol around in public, people look at you funny when you tip, french fries are pommes, you have to pay for ketchup, everything is expensive, people don't watch much tv besides the news, many families don't have computers, kids dress like so 10 years ago, views are a lot more liberal, couples have kids before they are married, pizza is a staple food, people use trains and trams more than their own cars, fanta orange soda is huge, the only energy drink here is redbull, bread is eaten with nearly every meal, beer is drank at all hours of the day, older people stay out just as late as everyone else, and everybody is multilingual... Yah, I think I'll miss this place.

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