Thursday, August 09, 2007

Gone to Texas or Stabbing Westward (like the band) take your pick.

So headed back to the west on Saturday, back to the big land of Texas, the country of English, English speakers (not the Großebritania speakers), to the land of good steaks, Mexican food, free refills, trucks, big yards, big roads, big people (not excited about that one), and my car. oh to be able to drive again. I dont know why it is we miss things like that, i mean i am not desperate to get home in anyway, i love travelling, absolutely love differnt societies and cultures, but i guess it is that we have grown up with it, i have spent all my life living in Texas and as humans, as Americans, or as ethnocentric Texans whatever it is, we feel a slight superiority and wonder how people live like this. but its wonderful here, it really is, there are big differences but we are in the civilized world and life thrives here, there is nothing wrong with this place it is just different, i enjoy the food (the little fast food pasta place down the road is such a great idea, healthy, quick cheap and really authentic and lecker. but i have always had reverse culture shock to a degree when going home, especially when i have learned so much about history, medicine, and culture as with this trip. it will be hard to get back into the ordinary life and quite dificult to see things the same again, and impossible to ever be the same. I like this place, and whether i ever come back or not is not the point of this trip, it is how i have changed, that i have changed, and that i take a global persepective from this trip and an interest in the world, politics, society, different cultures, and the dynamic aspects of this world. everything is changing around the world. we think that in America there are big generational gaps because our parents cant work computers and our grandparents were alive in the depression. but here and even more so around the world things are modernizing fast, from one generation to the next it could be; subsistence farming to information technology, from poverty in a shante, to successful in a flat everywhere that the government and society allow social movement people can change their stars and affect their fate. nothing is perfect, no government is perfect, Germany (unlike my host Mom says) is not MORE perfect than America, we are all humans, they are all governments and life is just life, poverty will always exist, war will always exist, there will always be unemployment, horrible living conditions, and starvation. that is not a pessimistic view it is a view of history. the citiyens during the Pax Romana thought they would last forever and never hunger, fear, or war. the Citizens of the third reicht believed it would last for 100 years before the war broke out. and here we are, citizens of a modern world where democracy reigns (abit like Greece hmm?) and attempts are being made to stamp out war forever (the aim of the second World War) but we are moving towards conflict with many contries ( America, the UN, and the EU) and we are not living in a perfect World, not even close. But what shocks me are the claims for diplomatic resolutions to foreign conflicts. so while people fight and kill their own contrymen, genocide and famine reigns, the politicians sit and talk. the governments lie, nothing is resolved and fighting continues. I have no answers, conservative, liberal, republican, or democrat no one can say what is right, but believe that to rate an American soldiers life or a UN peace keepers life above the lives of an "uncivilized civilization" is not right, and cant be right. we are to let nations, people, or radical groups kill eachother while we talk? we can do good in these contries, we did good by South Korea and it is an amazing place, we left Vietnam and it locked in communism and poverty, so there is good to be done. at what cost i have no answers, but ctiticizing American politics from an isolationistic stance while claiming the inhumanity of the American's actions is strange and foreign to me, and i think a bit hypocritical. But anyways im hungry, ciao.

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