Friday, July 13, 2007

So far so good!

Germany has been absolutely amazing so far! In fact, I just love the whole European culture and way of doing things... well, ok, maybe not the whole paying for the toilet deal, but that's really no big deal I guess.
I think the the energy conservation mindset of the people here is exactly what we need in the states. We went to the German History Museum in Bonn on Wednesday, which was very cool, and there was one point in the tour when our guide talked about the Germans realizing that they were dependent on oil especially foriegn oil, and that they needed to lessen their dependency. I don't remember the exact decade in which this happened but it was quite a while ago and they began making changes. That is something I think our country needs to start doing more of and should have started taking action a LONG time ago. We do already utilize some forms of alternative energy, but we really truly need to make a bigger effort.
Yesterday we went an art museum in Cologne to see the evolution of animals in art. I LOVED THIS! I love art in general because I am an artist, but I especially adore animal art, so this was really exciting for me. I got to sketch and everything!
The Cologne Cathedral was amazing as well. Everything is so intricately detailed, and just beautiful. It just blows my mind to think of how old that place actually is though.
That's all for now. More adventures to come!

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