Friday, July 13, 2007

The Beginning

Where to begin. The start of this trip has exceeded my expectations. The staff at the AIB are as nice as possible, speak perfect English, and always willing to help with even the little things. The trip seems like it just started, yet looking back over th past few days we have already done so much. The first day we were here, we took a tour of the surrounding area around the AIB (unfortunately no Doener stands) and then later in the day we took a tour of the city. I had no idea that Duesseldorf had so much. I had assumed that it was just a big city with alot of people, I had never given much thought as to why there were so many people. We ended our first day with a visit to the Rheinturm (Rhine Tower). The view from the top was very pretty and it was interesting to see the course the Rhine takes through the city. Its not just straight line, It weaves and cuts through the city. After the first tour on the first day, I knew that this program was going to be alot of fun.

On Tuesday, we had our first lecture. It was about what I had expected because I had already taken a few classes from the lecturer, Dr. Wasser. It gave a brief history of importat medical figures and contributors. We then had our first German class. BEcause I had been studying German for 6 weeks previous to this program , I was approached afterwards by some of the workers and we set up an additional study plan for myself. Im glad I get a chance to continue studies of the language while I'm in the country. Practice makes perfect. After this first german class we went on a scavenger hunt through the city. It was quite a long scavenger hunt, but it helped us to learn the city, as well as a little bit about the city. We then went to Schloss Benrath (busy days...) This particular Palace was very impressive to me. Everything was symmetrical and very ornately decorated. Its a shame it was never inhabited permanently (I guess forced marriages make for interesting relationships). My favorite part of the palace was the dance hall. The musicians would sit above the hall in a round area in the ceiling. The music would fall down to the dnacers. I had never seen or heard or of anything like this before, and I found it a great idea. To hear live music with the impression that it was eminating from the ceiling would be quite an experience. After this day we partook in a welcome party for everyone, including host families. It was nice to see most everyone turnout and socialize. I think that everyone is very happy with their host families, which is vital to a good experience abroad. The desire to go out that night was quickly extinguished due to physical exhaustion creeping in around 10:00. Its amazing how physically tired you can get from one full day.

All in all, this program is going better than I could have hoped. I know that I will continue to be impressed and continue to build up a desire to not go home come August. Only time can tell where I will end up ultimately, but I can definitely see myself in Germany.

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