Friday, July 27, 2007

It's Friday morning, and I just checked out of our hotel in Munich. Wednesday and Thursday were really interesting days in that I learned a lot and was forced to think about things I had never really thought about before. One of the cities I have always wanted to visit was Munich, so I was happy when we finally arrived. Something that stood out to me was this woman walking along the street as we were all getting out of the bus, and she came up to us and wished a wonderful time in Munich! I had never ever seen this before. The only time someone has wished me a happy stay in any city was someone I had just given money to, such as a tour guide or a front desk clerk at a hotel. So I was really impressed by that (I'm easily impressed, I know). The hotel was nice in Munich, but I did not understand why they had us turn in our keys every time we left, and then gave it back to us when we came back, without asking for some form of ID. It seems like any Joe Schmoe could walk in and take my key. When I came back Thursday evening, he could not finy my key! It had disappeared. He tried to make me think I lost it, but oh no, I knew it was their fault so I stuck to my guns. But besides the hotel fiasco, Munich was really fun. I had no idea what a biergarten was, so that was cool going to a few of those. Munich had a lot of street performers in the shopping district, so that was really entertaining. And yesterday afternoon, I went to a church by myself, and just sat down and listened to the organ. It was nice to sit down and take a break from going, going, going all the time. Thursday when we went to Dachau I was really impressed. Random scenes of Schindler's List kept popping in my head. The thing that creeped me out was the showers. Although they claimed to have never been used, just the thought of tricking someone into believing that they are getting a shower by stepping into the next room, when you are really sending them to their death, disgusted me. I don't know how those people who did that could sleep at night. I don't know if I'll ever be able to comprehend how they could be so cruel to another creature. I'm saddened when I accidentally kick my dog, but to maliciously hurt another human blows my mind. I know I kind of talked about this in my last post, but I am amazed by this hatred. -Dustin. PS: I'm getting tired of bakeries, and I'm craving tex-mex food sooooo bad.

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