Monday, July 16, 2007

Life on the go

I can't believe we have been here more than a week already! I hate how time speeds up once you get to the college years. Oh well.
This past weekend I went to Prague with a group of people. We took a night train there and it was really fun hanging out with my fellow study abroad mates and getting to know them better. Trying to get to sleep, however, was not so fun. We could not get comfortable! And then the sun rose at like 4:30 in the morning. That is really annoying how it is light all the time since we are at a higher latitude. The passport guys yanked us out of our semi-sleep by throwing open the door. It was funny though because Kaylee was on the floor and the guy was just staring down at her and said "good morning!" In an accent.
We had trouble getting coins when we finally arrived. I hate the currency there! They give you such large bills and it is just so frustrating to deal with.
The city was gorgeous! We went to a cathedral and climbed up 287 steps through a slough of BO and CO2 to the top of one of the towers and got a great view of everything.
We did sooo much walking. My feet and legs were killing me. And on top of it, I caught whatever my host mom had, so the next day I had barely any voice.
I found a lot of the people there to be a bit mean/rude. There was a point where we were running to catch a tram back to our hotel and we got to it just as the doors were closing. We were waving to the driver to please open them back up for a second, but she just drove off. Seriously, would it have killed her to wait for just one more second? We were at the door! And then we had a very unpleasant waiter at lunch. He warned us not to drink out of our own water bottles since we had not purchased drinks there.
That's one of the few things I hate about europe- the drink situation! And the bathroom situation. I drink a lot of fluids, therefore I need to use facilities more often, and here it's very difficult for me to drink or use the toilet because it adds up! I still love Europe, though.
Having a sleeping car on the train back was the best thing ever. I slept the whole way pretty much.
Yesterday we went to an experimental farm in Bonn and I just had a blast! I got to stick my hand in the rumen of a fistulated steer and see some embryos at different points of the cleavage and blastula phases, and then some that had hatched out of the zona pellucida to start placentation. We also talked about cloning and a little bit of AI and IVF. I love love love animal repro stuff. It's the coolest thing in the world to me. Our guide mentioned how nice it would be to have a native english speaker there to learn and help write papers and such. I'd do it! I really would!
We went as a group to the Kirmes carnival last night. So fun! We danced a lot, and so did Dr. Musser. And some random German ladies even joied.
This trip has been wonderful so far. After the death of my roomate, not to mention good friend, during summer 1 last month, I desperately needed a getaway to help get my mind off things and try and move on. Yes, I still miss her terribly and it still hurts, but I think this trip came just in time to bring my life back to normal again. We talked about this trip before she passed away and she joked about how jealous she was and said how she wanted me to have a good tinme for her. And that's just what I am doing. I am having the time of my life.

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