Friday, July 13, 2007


I am currently riding on the train about 3 hours into the trip to Prague. It has been quite an experience so far. Our wagen has about 10 people from amsterdam that I believe all tried to drink each other under the table before they got on, and have hence proceeded to do so! I am very excited about Praue though, but all I know is what I have heard from others. I am looking forward to seeing this clock that everyone speaks of! My favorite part of the trip so far has been the Cathedral in Koln. It was absolutely beautiful.every day I am with my host family I come to love their company and conversation more and more, and find it may be very hard to leave in the next 4 weeks which I'm sure will fly by. I'm not going to lie, it has been very hard being so far away from friends, boyfriend, and parents but I have already had so many amazing experiences and know the trip is filled with many more.

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