Saturday, July 21, 2007

Well I'm in Paris for the weekend, we just got in last night and so far it has been a great weekend! Today we went the Louvre and saw Notre Dame but there was such a long wait that we didn't go in....we did see the mona lisa though..of course :) and it was so small but people were crowded all around it so it was hard to get too close. But the rest of the day we just walked around A LOT! But it was worth it and tonight we are going to sit in front of the eiffel tower and drink our wine that we got at the wine tasting so I'm excited to get to see it all lit, I'm also really excited about travelling this weekend to the southern part of germany and seeing munich and nuremburg...and also it'll be fun to travel altogether as a group for a week. After seeing the movie about Sophie Scholl on Friday, I'm even more excited about seeing Munich and getting to see the memorial. I can't believe I hadn't heard of her before because she was really an amazing person and was so courageous all the way until the very end. So, I think having seen that movie will make our trip that much more significant.......ok well, I'm off to the eiffel tower to enjoy the rest of my weekend in Paris!

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