Thursday, July 26, 2007

So Munich is definitely my favorite city in Germany so far. I wish I could have stayed there longer. There is great shopping and so many beautiful buildings. I especially liked walking into the churches that were all white inside. The English Garden is also a beautiful place, except for the occassional naked sunbather. There were a lot of people swimming, and there were surfers at the one part of the stream that makes a continuous wave. There is also the center of the garden that has food and of course, beer. Sarah and I each got a huge pretzel, which was really good. My dad has been in Munich around Christmas and says it is so nice there like right out of a postcard. I would love to see it then, but we definitely had some nice weather these past couple days.

We also went to the concentration camp yesterday. The tour was very ineteresting, but I have to say I did not enjoy being there. I hated being inside the barracks and I can't even imagine what it was like when people had to live there. Visiting there was definitely something everyone should experience, but now that I have been there I don't want to go back.

This was a fun week traveling around Germany, and I can't believe it is the weekend already. We are on the train to Switzerland and I hope we all have a great weekend!

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