Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I wrote this on the 27th on the way to Prague. Sorry if it is a bit old!

I really enjoyed our time in Munich. I had some strange expectations. My boyfriend's family is from more central Germany, and they have all sorts of colorful names for Bavarians. They like to mock their accent, too. Also, the Catholic vs. Protestant dynamic is very heated to the day in their region which borders on Bavaria. One could imagine that since his family is Protestant, they would feel marginalized in that strongly Catholic area.

The Bavaria that I saw was friendly enough. It was noticibly Catholic, but much of Germany is. Munich was very touristy. I heard a lot of American accents too. I like wandering around the Marienplatz and watching everyone else look just as new as I did!

Munich had an overall feeling of friendliness although I know didn't see much of it and I wish that we could have. It was interesting to witness the most stereotypical German activities; roaming around in liederhosen for example, like our amazing tour guide! I enjoyed the beer halls too, and the wasn't so bad either!

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