Saturday, July 28, 2007

Munich..."little Texas"

Earlier in the program i heard someone say that everyone always enjoys munich. That it was the Texas of germany.
As soon as we got out of the bus in front of the hotel, a random person walking by said "enjoy your stay in munich." I dont ever remember being welcomed to a city by a random local pedestrian just walking by.
So far munich is my favorite city in germany. We will be going to Berlin our last week, so that could change. But it will be hard to change my mind. Before we got to munich we spent two days in nurmberg. The first day in nurmberg we visited the Zeppelin field and got to stand where Hitler stood. nurmberg is full of nazi history.
Near munich there is also another city near by called Dachau, where a concentraion camp was located. During the tour i learned new things on how the prisoners lived. How badly they were treated. in high school you read about it, but i guess its a whole different experience when youre actually there. Like i have read about the ovens they used to burn prisoners in, but when i saw one in person, it was hard to believe that in front of me probably hundreds, maybe thousands, of innocent people were ruthlessly killed. Same with standing inside the gas chamber. Although the one in Dachau was never actually used, its weird knowing what these "showers" were used for in other concentration camps.
On a happier note, the last night in munich was awesome. We went to touristy restaurant, cant think of the name right now, but it had that whole Baverian feel. You go in, sit at a table, and order a mas, which is a whole liter of beer. We sat there at talked and listened to a band play some local german "folk" songs. At one point they played Hey Jude, i thought that was pretty funny. I wish i would have taken pictures while i was there, but i may ask if i can get them from the others in facebook. By the end of the night i had two mases and was feeling good. I think everyone was, and i mean everyone at the place not just our group. I had conversations with a new person everytime i went to the restroom. Thats another example of the munich friendliness. On the way back to the hotel we met a guy from massachusetts. He walked with us to our hotel where i passed out.

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