Thursday, July 19, 2007


So this weeks has been reallz amazing the weather was so great yesterday on the Rhien cruise and the wine tasting was so great yesterday as well. i bought 6 bottles of wine and have shared them with my family. whom i am going to make fajitas tonight for. so i made them last weekend with german items and they turned out very well i think so i will try the same things again. its just that the fajita powder has curry and other things in it besides just cumin, but it smells and tastes great and the limes in it add a great flavor, i may try to make some margaritas as well to go with but the white wine will go well with it as well. All the great things we are seeing are so amazing, the family here took me to Kaiserswert which is where barbarosas castle is and some great great old houses and a cool scene, i would definately love to live there maybe not in the city city of duseldorf but in kaiserswert it is so different and the things are great. Hmm what else have we been up to this week. we had quite an eventful weekend me and andrew went out to die mauer on friday with some of his friends from here and then on saturday i went around with the family and on sunday we made fajitas at a local named svenjas birthday and then to the hospital when Matt went Hypoglycemic. that was an event and gave all the partygoers quite a scare but luckily he is totally ok. i met a really really cool homosexual couple at the party who live in hackney in london and they were telling me about the new scenes in london and how great it is to be there and what the fashions and art movements are going on now. i loved it and the guys were so funny and very very inteligent. but this week has been great and i cant wait for this weekend i will be leaving for milano on Friday and going to lago di como while i am there, so i will let you all know how that goes once i get there. cheers.

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