Sunday, July 09, 2006

Achy Breaky Hearts!!!!!

On Thursday we all went to the heart center and got the full tour there. Luckily I was able to see the heart surgery. Let me tell you, I will not be a cardiovascular surgeon. It was really interesting and seeing a beating heart is quite the experience, but blood shooting everywhere and cracking chests just really isn't my thing. It's interesting to think the US sends all its technology over here to do testing on humans and then waits to see if people live. I understand the government's logic (let them test it so we don't lose any lives and have lawsuits on our hands), but it seems sad that people who would like to try an experimental surgery that may be their only hope to live have to wait until it gets approved in the US or fly to a European country that will do it for them. I think there ought to be some loophole where those people can sign there lives away if they really want to go through with the surgeries; that way the government and the doctors won't suffer any repercussions.

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