Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Thanks guys

Ok so last night I got SUPER sick right into a plant at our resteraunt, and let me tell you, it was SUPER embarassing! But I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who sat around me trying to comfort me in my feeling crappyness. I really really do appreciate it. It made me smile even while my stomach was churning. There are some really great and caring people here with me on this trip.
Anyways, post illness, today we went on a tour of Nuremberg which was very interesting. It was very strange for me to see the podium at Zepplin field and then hear that is exactly where Hitler stood. We had the opportunity to walk up to it but I really didn't want to so I went back to the bus to rest. Other than still not feeling 100%, the idea of standing where Hitlet stood to rally the masses made me want to spit and walk away. It was a very overwhelming feeling of disgust to see where the madman stood.
To continue learning about Nuremberg's Nazi past, we went to the Nazi Documentation Center after lunch. I thought this museum was really neat in that it was at the Congress Hall that the Nazi's built, and when they designed the museum they added this architecture that "pierced" through what the Nazi's had built. It also didn't focus much on the Holocaust and instead chose to give the background on Germany that gave the opportunities for the Nazi party to rise, which I thought was a good thing to do. I know tons about the Holocaust but I never really knew how such a radical party could have come to power. I think one of the important things to remember is not to scapegoat a group of people for the problems of a nation. All Germans should be Germans, and all Americans are Americans. And so far, I can really appreciate German history, and I'm even more proud to be American.

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