Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I love Nürnberg

As the title of this blog states, I am really enjoying my time in Nürnberg. The first day, we toured the Residency in Wurzburg, which was a cool experience, with another wine tasting, which again I barely tasted. Wine isn't my thing either. Then we headed to Nuremburg where after checking in we took an almost hour long 'schlep' as Dr. Wasser says to find dinner. He gave the lecture we'd missed Friday in a Biergarten, which was a very interesting experience. I did feel a little bothered about talking about the Doctors Trials at Nuremburg right there out in the open though... It was a different way for us to learn though. Then a bunch of us girls went to a restaurant and shared around our pastas. A fun time was had by all. Regina and I managed to get the group that went back first to the hotel with no prblem, even though the initial walk had been a bit long and winding. We are now GPS and Europause, respectively. I am glad the 4 hour tour the next day was mostly on bus - we'd have never handled it walking. We visited various Nazi buildings. many of which are now used for practical purposes, and then went to the Documentation Center. It was nice to do that tour at our own pace with the listening devices. I was really interested in the events leading up to the Nazi regime, as sometimes before this era has been skipped straight to the Holocaust. It was a very thought provoking place.

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