Saturday, July 22, 2006

Breaking the Law in Düsseldorf

So Kit and I were going to meet at the HBF at 5 today to go see a movie together. I planned to get on the 4:34 train that would put me in at 5:03, an acceptably late time. First of all, I didn't leave the house in enough time, so I ran there. On my foot - needless to say, now it really hurts. I made it on the train, and about ten minutes in I realize that I don't have my young ticket with me - that I'd left it in yesterday's shorts. About 5 minutes later I realize I also don't have my key to the house. This was a very anxious journey.
however, I made it to the station without getting my ticket checked so everything was temporarily fine. Kit's host mom was going to eat dinner with her, so Kit needed to be back by 7, so we went to the supermarket so Kit could get a few essentials, and I left the HBF on the 5:26 train to go home and hopefully retrieve my things. I spent the entire time worrying that I would get caught without a ticket, but I made it home safely. Hopefully when Kit and I meet at 9, it will be a better experience, and we will enjoy whatever movie we see.
I do have to say though that this shows some sort of progress in my way of handling crises. Three weeks ago I would have completely freaked out, and although I worried a bit, I did not this time. It may not have been the best choice not to buy a ticket, but I was prepared to if I had seen a second conductor on the train checking tickets. Although if there had been a plainclothes one like the one who checked my, Miriam's and Dr. Wasser's tickets in München, I'd have been in trouble.

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