Thursday, July 06, 2006

Unusual Host Family

I'm not too sure what to think of my host family at this point. They don't seem like the "typical" host family, but I guess there is no such thing. It's just not what I expected. The mom is the one who talks to us most, the dad hardly talks to us at all, and I've probably only exchanged a few words with the little boy. Then again, our busy schedule does not really allow for that much time with the family. The house is clean, but messy. It's kind of weird because there are a lot of rules; and yet, they don't seem very organized.

At this point I don't understand their motivation to be hosts, but it is early and I still have hope that I will come to know them better. They are nice people but they really haven't opened up to us and allowed for good conversations. My host mom is definitely an interesting person. I'm still not clear about what her job is. When she emailed me, she called herself an educator. When I asked what she taught, she said she teaches families to live together better. I thought that meant something like a counselor. However, when we showed up at her house she had a baby there, apparently to whom she was teaching French and German. She always says good night early, and says she has to work. There are still some things I don't feel comfortable asking because I'm afraid she might think I'm being too invasive.

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