Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Oh My Stars Vol. 2 <- This is Beccas Post just FYI.

It's so crazy, now that I'm actually in Germany I finally realize all of the expectations I didn't know I have. First off, I was very suprised how modern this city is. I sort of expected the Media Harbor area to be modern, but I expect old buildings all around with Tudor style houses on every corner. I don't really know why I had this idea but I think it all links back to the Sound of Music. (Seriously, even if its illogical.) Also, I really was expecting my host family to accept and welcome me the same way my family woud welcome a guest back home, which is not at all how my family interacted with me. They were very private about their lives and homes, and didn't really attempt small talk. At first I definitely had my feelings hurt. But after I've talked to some people (Miriam mostly) I understand more of the German culture of giving me my space (Literally and psychologically) and I'm really thankful, because it's turning out to be great! I also had the idea it would be very cool and rainy all summer long, but its been almost 100 degrees F with no AC :(. However, I hear the tables turning tomorrow on the weather and I'm excited. I watched the World Cup with most of the other students at Monkey's which was so fun! The scavenger hunt today really helped me get oriented with the city and I'm really looking forward to the rest of my adventures this summer. Also, my host family prefers that I speak German so Erin and I have been practicing like crazy!
P.S. Today is my roommate Erin's Birthday. She's a big deal. People know her.

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