Friday, July 14, 2006

Its so hot....milk was a bad choice

So this week has FLOWN by. It has been really cool though. Yesterday at the experimental farm in Bonn I had a really nice time learning about all of the techniques they are using with cloning and such. Plus getting to pet the baby cows was fun. I'm always excited about babies. The smell did remind my why I want to do HUMAN medicine though. Also seeing the piglets reminded my why too. We saw a momma pig with her less than one day old piglets, but there was one baby that was smaller than the rest and we were informed that he probably wouldn't make it. I know some animals just don't make it and its all about genetics and having the strongest survive, but its so hard to me to not want to fight to save the baby. I'm reading a book right now about residency and one of the stories is about having to fight to save someone even if you think they might not make it because you never know what they may accomplish if they survive.
But on to a happier topic!!!!! Wednesday we went to Baccarach (something like that) and took a boat down the river. I'm sure its been said a million times, but the Rhine area is just beautiful. Its very different than Texas because its so green and lush, and not quite as hot. :) Then I was forced to climb a mountain to get to a castle which had more steps inside it. Half way up the mountain (some say hill, i say mountain) I was stopped by some nuns who needed help making sure their driver, who drove them up the mountain and only spoke German, would be there when they got done with the tour. I mean, how could I say no to a group of nuns?!!?!? We got it sorted out so I hope I get a few brownie points for it.
This trip really is amazing and I absolutely love the people. I could do with out the Germans who refuse to smile and then cut in front of you in line when you've been waiting for 10 minutes. But everything else is good. Oh, and because I haven't said it enough, my new favorite thing is watching small children kick at groups of pidgeons. I also don't like pidgeons, but I do like children. And they look SO cute when they do it. Thats all for now folks.

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