Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The Week Up to Now

So I finally made it to Germany this week and I am having a blast, but I think that the travel arrangements should definitely be noted because they are a story to tell. So the day of my flight from Dallas to London, everything started like a normal plane ride would. The flight was going well until the lights went out in the cabin of the plane, and the captain came over the speaker telling us that we would need to make an emergency landing at the Chicago O' Hare airport. Then, when we were landing, there was some sort of fire the started on the tire. I know that this sounds ridiculous, but I seriously can't make this stuff up. Anyways we had to be evacuated and stuff which delayed like 4 hrs in the states before I could get to London, where I had to wait another insane amount of time. Then when I finally made it to Bonn, my luggage was missing (which I thankfully got the next day). So all in all the trip just getting here was out of control!

Now that I finally made it, in one piece and settled in to my host room, I am having a blast. My host mom, Ms. Rosa Hemmers, is really a neat lady and I am having a fun time getting to know about both her life and the German culture in general. It seems like every time that we have dinner or just talk at the house I learn something new. When I am not at the house, the other people on the trip seem to get together in the streets, and we can always find something fun to do. We always seem to be laughing about something.

Anyways, the lecture today from Mr. Zinnikus was very interesting, and he brought a whole new perspective to the German history that I know. He seemed very dedicated to the history and I think that his passion for the material made things much more interesting for me. Also the Darwin exhibit was pretty neat today, aside from all of the German texts. I liked the displays with all of the animals and such that he researched, and I think that he has published and researched many important topics that we can still learn from today. Overall, I thought that the exhibit was very interesting. Well hopefully the following days and weeks are as fun and adventuresome as these few days have been.


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