Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hangin in Hannover

Aside: This post is meant for the previous week.

My week in Hannover went wonderfully. From the nice hotel, and roomie, to the cow rectal palpation I had a great time. Speaking of the rectal palpation (never thought I would say that), it was an experience that I can't really describe and I am trying to decide whether or not that is something to brag to my friends about when I return to Texas. Either way the Vet school had some very interesting portions, such as when we were discussing how bacteria in the cows stomach produce oxygen even after the animal is dead, resulting sometimes in the cow exploding during dissection.

This entire trip as a whole presents so many opportunities that there is no way I would be able to experience otherwise, such as going to and talking to physicians at the Hannover med school and observing the differences that medicine has depending on the location it is being practiced. Everywhere this program goes I feel that we get to see things that not many people get to see and I like that a lot, makes me feel important haha.

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