Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's like time travel

This past weekend there were several of us that travelled for at least 28 hours, 12 hours to get to Venice and 16 to get back. Of that 28 total hours, I was probably awake and concious for about 7 hours, how wonderful! The ability to sleep in public places is a quality of mine that I possess and it came quite in handy this weekend while travelling. Our first directions to our hotel upon arriving in Venice was "take the water bus to lido". Yes that's right, water bus. Just about anytime you want to go to a different place in Venice you must go by water.

During the day Saturday a bunch of us went into town to visit the famous St. Mark's square. Let me tell you that the birds in this square are fearless. You can walk up to them and they dont budge an inch. I was observing this at one point when someone decided to throw some bread at the birds and let them eat. There was a frenzy around this bread which ended with me taking a wing to the face and a claw to the back. I'm scarred. But it was great.

Sunday was a day that I will not forget. We awoke quite early on this day where Marco made us breakfast, yogurt, bread, and espresso in a coffee cup. We then rode bikes throughout the island of Lido, occassionally stopping for a photo op or a closer look at a beautiful beach. After this we all decided to head to the SANDY beach where Justin, Andrew, and myself donned Speedos. Being slightly shy and awkward at first I quickly loosened up when I saw an 80 year old man waddle past me in the same attire that I was currently wearing. Besides having slightly pink upper thighs and a back with my own handprints from attempting to apply sunscreen, I was not very sunburned but rather had the time of my life.

Just keeps getting better and better.


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