Sunday, July 19, 2009

Worst first Impression EVER

Late Friday night we arrived in Prague. I had been wanting to visit for years. We arrived late and we were all ready to just go to sleep. We had no money and the first thing we needed to do was withdrawl from an ATM. However a lady working at the station yelled at us and would not let us get any money. To make things better the police told us that no bus or train was running and wouldn't tell us where another ATM was located. Panic started to set in. As a group we finally found some taxis and after much frustraion we all finally arrived safe and sound. The first thing I saw when I walked into my room was a naked, out of shape, older man. I finally crawled into bed and was started to drift asleep. Then I was awoken by a second person climbing into the bunk above me. I couldn't believe that people would "make love" in a ten person room!!! There was nothing I could do but hope the welds were strong and the bed wouldn't collapse on me.
The next morning I awoke and we went to the castle. It was so interesting and beautiful. I had seen nothing like this before. We had a lot of fun walking around the museums in the buildings. It is so hard to imagine how old these buildings are. The only thing I didn't like was how rude the people are here. Everyone I have met in Germany has been really helpful and welcoming. Last night several of us went to see the ballet Swan Lake. I loved it! I got goose bumps which means I really thought the music was incredible. Today we went into the Old Town Square. It was so incredible. Prague really did turn into what I was expecting! I love all the old buildings. My favorite part is just going up in tall buildings and taking in the scenery. I also got some great gifts for my family and myself here. The street vendors had some really awesome things! I really am enjoying the culture of Prague as well as meeting people from other countries.

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