Friday, July 31, 2009

July 27, 2009

So we're on our way home from Italy now and I really wish we didn't have to leave. I love it here, this is by far my favorite city. The sunsets, beaches, atmosphere, food.. Italy has it all.

Although our Italian experience was wonderful, it was a rocky road getting here. Wow, there's so much to say about our trip here and I don't think I can even express in words the emotions I had on our journey. We started by flying from Vienna to Milan. The plane ride was short, but I was scared for my life for the hour we were in the air. I felt like the plane was about to crash at any moment. I think the pilot was playing tricks on us.. he wanted to see all the looks on our faces everytime my head hit the wall.

But we got there safe. From the Milan airport, we took a bus to the train station. Here, we walked around Milan for a while, got a glass of wine, and headed for the train to Verona. When we got to Verona, there was two hours until our next train (Note this is at 2 am). So, we find our platform and decide to try and get some sleep. That is until the crazy couple next to us started fighting and yelling. I found it hard to sleep when all I could hear was "To hell with you" and "F*** you" over an over again. I think those were the only english words they knew. Shortly after they finish, one of the many creepy homeless guys taking shelter in the train station came up to Coral and Laura to beg for money. I was about to pee my pants. Justin got up and scared him off. I don't know if I would be able to still tell this story if Justin wasn't with us on this trip...

So we move. Coral, Laura and I start playing SkipBo while Justin layed on the nasty floor to sleep. As the constant flow of creepy homeless guys pass us, we figure out that the train has been sitting there. We get on and no one speaks english, there are no seats, and we find our home on the floor. Next to the trash cans. And we go to sleep.

We got to Venice and it was beautiful! And then everything was wonderful :)

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