Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Back in Bonn and in the Rhine

It was a really good feeling going back to Bonn after two weeks of constantly not having a steady home/ room to live in. The last two weeks were a blur of sight-seeing and excitement but I am definitely glad to be 'home'! Bonn has turned into my home-away from home and I really feel comfortable in the small city. I even feel confident getting lost in it because I feel that I could find my way back comfortably- unlike the first night I arrived!

The day trips we've taken to the Rhineland yesterday was extremely new and fun as well. We got to Braubach to meet the boat (a three story floating fortress) and enjoyed a plesant drift toward Marksburg Castle. Before we went to the castle though, we got to eat some very good snitzel and pommes!! The march up to the castle was pretty fun because some of us decided to go up steeper parts that weren't a part of the official trail. I was definitley out of my breath when I got to the top, but the castle looked inviting. The cool thing about the castle was that it hadn't been attacked during war so it was in the pristine original condition. Dr. Wasser even put on a midevil helm that soldiers back in the day used to wear. And the craziest part was finding out that our tour guide actually lived in the castle with her family!!!-In modern rooms of course.

The end of the day was the best part where we got to try out some wines. We tried out a white, a rose, and three reds. I am a red man myself and really enjoyed those. I also love cheese and grapes so I basically pigged out on wine, cheese and grapes to put a marvelous end on a long but seemingly short day.

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