Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 24, 2009

Today we went to the Medical University of Vienna. We were taken on a tour of the campus by medical student at the University. She took us to one of the rooms and showed us how to do a urethral catheter, take blood, do sutures, take blood pressure, and examine the lung. It was really pretty cool. Then, we went out to eat lunch. I got Weinscheinschnitzel (I think), which is wild pig with a berry sauce on the side. It was delicious, I ate the whole thing! Whoops!

From there, we walked to the museum district and got some drinks. We sat in the middle of the square in these really weird yellow chairs. They were supposedly "art"...

But here's my list of weird things that happened in Vienna:

1. The rude hotel guy who wouldn't fix our internet and didn't want to be in the same room as Coral.
2. Dogs pooping on the sidewalk.
3. Walking EVERYWHERE. I don't think Europeans understand that Americans enjoy driving around and being lazy.
4. No air conditioning in the extreme heat.

Overall, I really enjoyed Vienna. I wish we were able to go out a little bit more, and it wasn't so hot, but I had a wonderful time!

But now Justin, Coral, Laura and I are on our way to Italy!! Wow. I can't believe that we're actually going to Italy right now! It's crazy. In the Vienna airport, I got speedos for the boys. It's going to be funny. We have an agreement that if I bought the speedos, they will wear them to the beach. I'm keeping my side of the deal... We'll see! haha

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