Friday, July 10, 2009

July 26, 2009

Today, we went on a historical tour of the city. There were several interesting points. We learned how the early Germans protected their land and used the two rivers alongside them as protection. We also went to a Seminary School to see the ancient Roman exhibit (which was underneath the school). The way they heated their pools and floors was pretty interesting.

After the tour, we stopped at the Bonn University to get lunch. It was alot of fun! Coral and I got some slugs to eat.. at least they looked like slugs. Olaf ate with us and he was too funny! I'm really glad he is our coordinator.

This afternoon, we were supposed to go to a beer garden along the Rhine, but it was supposed to rain. Instead we went to a restaurant and got a few beers with Dr. Wasser and Olaf. It was a great day, overall!

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