Monday, July 13, 2009

On the road again...

We just got back to Bonn yesterday and we are already leaving. :( We are heading to Hannover to visit the vet and med school there. We also are going to (hopefully) see open heart surgery! Hannover is going to be fun but I'm going to miss Bonn.
We spent today learning about the Nuremberg Code that came from the "Doctor's Trials." This was quite interesting because the prosecution had a slight problem, they couldn't actually prove that these doctors broke any written laws. This is baffling when you learn about what these doctors did to people. However, they hadn't broken any written law so the prosecution proved that there was an unwritten ethics code that almost all doctors follow and this was not honored by the Nazi doctors. We also had a German lesson with Fenja and boy is she tough! She will ramble off like 500 words then look at you like you were supposed to understand what she said....I'm not very good at this. Time to pack for Hannover!

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