Saturday, July 25, 2009

Traveling Alone

In the interest of space and time today you get the post I would've put on my personal blog and my personal blog gets a more detailed account.

Things I like about traveling alone:

- I get to go exactly where I want to when I want to

- I feel brave and empowered, and my mother would be very proud

- I spend exactly as much as I want to on the things I want to spend it on

- It gives me time away... which is good for me.

- It gives me time to think and be logical

Things I don't like about traveling alone:

- No one to eat with

- No one to share with

- Being too chicken/cautious to leave my hostel past 8 pm

- feeling über nervous when wandering around town in the early evening is uncomfortable.

- It gives me time to think/be illogical.

More on this experience later/on my other blog.


1 comment:

Alex said...

I laughed at the parallel between thinking and being logical and thinking and being illogical!!