Wednesday, July 29, 2009

8 Friends + 28 Hours in a Train = 1 Long Weekend to Italy

So I think that the general atmosphere of the long weekend can be summed up in the following statement: "Dude...we're in Venice!!"

It is pretty safe to say that this weekend was definitely surreal and awe-inspiring. So initially getting to Venice was a 12 hour train ride, which would prove to be my first experience with the semi-claustrophobic atmosphere of the six person sleeper cars...definitely worth it. After I awoke from "time travelling" on the train, my first impressions were spectacular. Looking out the window in the morning I could see the green valleys and the rolling mountains that are in northern Italy, but most striking was the sounds of the somewhat irate Italian man talking lightspeed in Italian. This was the moment I knew that we had arrived haha.

Once we set foot in the train station, we immediately hopped on the water bus transportation system and headed off to the island where we would be staying, named Lido. The transportation in Venice was spectacular and an entirely new experience because of the fact that the city roadways are water as opposed to the conventional concrete and asphalt. Despite the fact that it took a long-ish time, and it was cramped and I was sweating, we made it to Lido unscathed. Marco was the owner of the hotel/bed-and-breakfast that we stayed in, and he was very helpful in any way possible. He provided us with food and directions and places to visit and eat, so pretty much he was a lifesaver. Anyways, after our arrival on the first day, a group of us travelled back into town to visit St. Mark's square. Although it was heavily populated with tourists, I think that the population of the pigeons in the area was higher. Throughout the mobs of people flocking in between the kiosks of what seemed to be the same souvenier items, the pigeons were able to stand their ground in hopes that some tourist would throw out some bread for the ever so popular picture with the birds. Either way, the architecture and shopping in this part of town were both exquisite. Eventually our walking in the streets brought us to the classic gondola ride through the canals. This was probably one of the most relaxing things that I have ever done, aside from the occasional songs from our driver. Finally, that night we headed out to the rocky beach for a night swim. I would like to hope that this is a much more comforting place during the daytime, but nonetheless the experience was creepy but fun at the same time. Luckily, the next day we found the sand beach haha.

Then day two rolls around, which was probably my favorite of the two because we were pretty much lounging. From the morning bike ride around the island to the full day at the sand beach, the mood was that of summertime. Being carefree in the Italian sun was such a good feeling, and I think that this was probably the most needed time for this type of day. While at the beach, speedos were donned, sandcastles were built, volleyball was played, and backs were sunburned. I am almost over it, but the thought of sunscreen seemed to slip my mind. Either way, the day was wonderful. Then, that night we all went into town for a large dinner with an even larger check. Venice is supposedly one of the most expensive places in Italy when referring to food, and we definitely supposrted that statement. There was wine, salad, bread, pasta, and some of the most delicious apple desserts that I have ever had in my entire life. So the meal was pretty much worth it, and a beautiful end to a beautiful weekend.

The next day we packed up and got on our 1:20 pm train that would be getting us to Bonn at around 5:20 the next morning. This is where the other 16 hours of travel comes into our equation. With the first quarter of the trip spent without air conditioning, the lack of comfort on the train was combatted by the breathtaking views of the mountains on either side of the train. This part of the trip was very cool for me because I have family that originated in those very mountains. My Italian heritage comes from some of the smaller towns near Venice such as Bergamo, Verona, and Valley de Pasubio. Being this close to the places where my great great great grandfather was born, in a country that I have wanted to visit for my entire life, made the train ride/weekend that much cooler.

Anyways we had out quick dinner break in Munich and then made it home promptly around 5:45am and were all present for class the next day bright and early. Although we did travel a lot this weekend, I feel that the weekend experiences themselves outweighed any amount of time that we spent in a train. Overall, the 28 hours was more than worth it in my opinion(but to do it again would take some serious consideration haha).

I can't wait for what more is in store, in terms of the program, the excursions, and the memories that will be built between this great group of people, in the remaining two weeks that we have on the trip!

Until Next Time,


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