Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Germany so far...

So, I have arrived in Germany without any problems. I didn´t get lost in the airports and I have all my luggage!
My host family, Peter and Maria, is very nice. They have been working with the AIB host program for 7 years so they are use to students and really make me feel at home. This weekend we all went for a bike ride along the Rhine (they have a double bike they like to use) and then we walked up a hill to some old castle ruins. Peter likes sweets alot and I think I have had ice cream every day...which i dont mind so much, its really good!

Today we did a savenger hunt around the city of Bonn. Our German lesson from the day before came in handy for this. Starting a conversation off with 'entschuldigung' rather than just running up to them and asking 'hey do you speak english?' tended to make the german people more willing to help. But all-in-all every one was very nice and helped when they could.

Tomorrow we will be going to Köln to have a roof-top tour of its cathedral. I´m excited!

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