Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26, 2009

This past week in Vienna was full of program activities. On Wednesday we visited the catacombs in St. Stephens Cathedral It was weird to see mass graves from hundreds of years ago. It was a tad bit creepy but never the less interesting. There was one room with bones stacked from floor to ceiling! The next day we went to the Josephinum, which had a collection of medical wax figures. They were amazing to look at, each with a layer removed showing different organs and systems. We also went to the teaching hospital in Vienna where they showed us how to stitch and draw blood! That was pretty exciting, although I didnt feel very well that day. I think I caught a little bit of Alex's sickness...

This weekend a few of us went to Switzerland. The first day we went horse back riding through the mountains and down by the river. The water here is so clear and blue, and the air is so clean. Today, we went canyoning! It was so much fun, but very very cold.

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