Tuesday, July 21, 2009

czech it out


Hannover, Germany
hannover is a very very pretty area. its very quiet and picturesque. we were there from tuesday-friday. we stayed at the lister hotel (named after joseph lister, the man who founded listerine) we visited a few medical hospitals, watched some open heart surgery and learned about the german health care system. we also did some veterinary related excursions this week as well. we visited a farm that had over 20,000 animals on it ranging from little chickies to the BIGGEST cows i've ever seen.

we also did a rectal examination on a cow!!!! pictures will be posted of that soon! it was the craziest thing ever. we got to feel the ovaries and see how they do IVF in cows. very interesting, once in a lifetime experience :D

we also had THE BEST THAI food as well. literally top 2 restaurant. it was amazing. hmm i'm blanking on what else we did in hannover...

it was nice that everyone was finally in one place. host families are awesome but it sucks when everyone has to take a thirty minute tram back and we can't hang out till late!

over the weekend alot of us went to prague. VERY PRETTY CITY!! it was kinda dirty though and the local people were very rude to us. we visited the senate building, a castle and some other really prominent buildings. our hostel was pretty nice and we met some cool australians and english people there!

over and out,

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