Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Crazy Venice (Last week)

Today I took a nap after our long long train ride. It felt really nice. The rest of our group made it to the bed and breakfast around 11. We all went to lunch together. I really didn't like the food and my chicken was really undercooked. Nicole ordered fish and was served a whole fish! She had some trouble eating it. The food here is so expensive!! Most of us then took the boat bus to St.Marks Square. It was so crowed but beautiful. We did a lot of walking around and shopping. I really like all the glass and I got some for my mom and myself. We all did a gondola ride together. That was so relaxing except I am pretty sure our driver was a little drunk. He was funny; he sang us songs and told us he was having a party tonight. The city is just incredible. It looks like a movie set! Its really easy to imagine Mozart walking around years and years ago. For dinner we had pizza. The pizza here is really good. Its a thin crust.
At night we all decided we wanted to check out the beach. Marco (person running the bed and breakfast recommended the rock beach) We follow his directions and soon find ourselves walking down a dirt road. No one had ever heard of a beach being at the end of a dirt road. We all keep walking though. I start to get a little freaked out and once we heard drumming I was freaked out big time. We still kept walking. Amazingly there was a beach at the end of this creepy dirt road. By the shore was a group of Indians playing tribal drums by the fire. They were dancing and it looked almost like some kind of ritual. I am now nervously laughing and have to breath in my towel to prevent hyperventilating. As we past them we can see two life sized voodoo dolls by the fire. I had never seen something so creepy before in my life. It was like the beginning of some horrible horror movie. I was so mad at the guys for making us keep going down the beach. We finally go out on some rock peninsula. It was actually peaceful watching the current and sitting under the stars. Andrew decides to jump in and we all get freaked out. Turns out it was still really shallow. Most of us join him in the water. Unfortunately there were clams on all the rocks which are sharp. As I tried to climb up a mossy rock the tide slammed me into the rock and then pulled me away. I was cut up pretty good. I didn't notice till I saw my knee covered in blood. It ended being a really fun night.

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