Sunday, July 12, 2009

I never knew something could be this beautiful!

So, for this blog I can’t help but write about my weekend trip to Switzerland. I can easily say that Switzerland is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. Five girls (Brittany, Stephanie, Caitlin, Nicole, and myself), took a lovely 7 hour train ride to the beautiful town of Interlaken, Switzerland. As soon as we crossed the German/Swiss border the scenery immediately changed. Gorgeous waterfalls, blue-green water, and incredible mountains were just some of the key sights. After a small train ride and bus ride, we took a cable car up to our hostel! We finally got there by about 9pm and hung out, met some awesome people, and had a few glasses of wine to put us to sleep.

The next morning was the start of our real adventure. Our original plan was to go skydiving but our budgets just weren’t ready for that. So instead, we asked around and decided on CANYONING! Canyoning is a mixture of climbing, repelling, sliding, and zip lining. It was extreme….believe me. We repelled down a 50m wall, jumped off of huge cliffs, climbed through waterfalls, and slid down huge cliffs. We left at noon and didn’t get back until about 6pm. It was an awesome time and totally worth the money. Not to mention, I was in love with one of our guides... Reto from Switzerland…one day we will meet again.

I also must add that on the way there, Reno (another gorgeous guide) asks us if we know German…in German..Me, being the confident German-speaking girl that I am, decides to speak up. I tell him yes, a little. So then he proceeds to ask me my name. And I reply…Danke, gut….So now my name is Thank you, good…great. Fenja will be proud.

It was such a relaxing and much needed trip. Even though we were only there for 2 days, it felt like much longer. It was nice only having 5 people (not that I don’t love you other 10…I’m just saying) because it was easier to agree on things. I’m very proud of the 5 of us. We made it to Switzerland and back without really any problems. I’m excited for the week ahead in Hannover and then to Prague and then to Vienna and then to Italy…wow, lots of traveling. Again, I can’t believe how lucky I am to get to do the things I’m doing. This is something I will remember forever.


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