Sunday, July 26, 2009

Vienna/ Interlaken

Currently I am in Interlaken Switzerland, probably one of the best places to be on earth if you are an adrenaline junkie, which I am. This weekend we were planning on canyoning, which involves propelling down a mountain and doing flips into icy Switzerland water, and horseback riding through the gorgeous mountains. Fortunately, my group got to do all these things! Unfortunately for me though, I was too sick to do them. I caught a rather nasty stomache bug and it has rendered me Hostel-Ridden...luckily this program contains all pre-med students who knew how to take care of me pretty well haha. Besides that though, Switzerland is gorgeous. The air seems cleaner, the water bluer and the mountains greener than anywhere else I've been. I see now why the number 1 tennis player in the world is from Switzerland- with conditions like these, it's hard not to feel good. In fact, I feel better already...
The last couple of days in Vienna were really fun. The best time I had there was the Mozart Concert in the Weiner Concert Hall. The flutist and violinist, in fact all of the musicians, were true virtuosos. The conductor was very charasmatic and got the crowd involved on a couple of numbers- having us clap to the beat! He even conducted all of us to cresciendo and decresciendo!! Also, there were two opera singers. I thought the woman was brilliant and the man was just okay. The next night we had dinner at the Piarsten Keller which had some of the best pork I've ever had in my life! That night it hailed ice cubes.

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