Friday, July 10, 2009

Sprechen Sie deutsch? bitte

Today was our 2nd lesson in German. We learned numbers, ordering and paying for food in a restaurant and a couple other things. The lessons have been very fun and interactive. She starts off the day with Wie heisst du? (What is your name?), Wie gehts? (How are you?), or Woher kommst du? (Where do you come from?). She asks each of us one of theses questions or has us ask eachother.

On our first day of lessons, we had a little green ball that we threw at eachother. Whoever threw the ball had to ask the question and whoever caught the ball had to answer. You can tell we all feel quite inadequate in our German pronunciation, but I think we are getting better the more comfortable we feel about speaking German. I can't remember who said it, but one girl explained it pretty well. She said that we feel awkward saying or asking things in German, because in our minds it doesn't really sound like we're saying something. But when we hear a responce to our statement in German it's so exciting because that means it made sense to someone!

Guten Tag!

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