Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Remember when we ended up in Narnia...

Post for July 19th.
The tour at Bergen-Belsen wasn't what I was expecting. Having been to Dachau and having seen the camp reconstructed with barracks, gas chambers and prison cells resulted in me expecting the same of Bergen-Belsen. Although it was not what one may think of as a typical concentration camp, like Dachau, Bergen-Belsen was unique in that it was the landscape that was there during the tragedies of 20th century Germany. Seeing and walking on the land that was part of the atrocities of the holocaust was impactful in a different way. I felt as if the trees and the beautiful flowers that have grown in since then are a sign of the ability to overcome; the land will not lose its somber past but it can and does house a more beautiful landscape today.

Prague: my favorite city so far. My friend told me that I would love Prague. The city is so beautiful and kind of easy to get around even in the pouring rain. Somehow we ended up at the Czech Senat courtyard area (Narnia), which was my favorite find of the entire weekend. There were fountains and gardens, statues, and even a family of peacocks! A group of us sat at a small cafe in the middle of old town square, which was amazing! To sum it up, there were heaters, I had the best cappucino ever, we all got soup, spent 2100 crowns for 7 people and Roger kept saying "guys, we are sitting at a really nice cafe right now in Prague!" I loved every bit of it. Sightseeing is my favorite expecially because it is free and there was definitely a lot to see in Prague. I had another great weekend!

Now I am in Vienna and having a good time but more on the topics of this excursion at a later date and time.


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