Sunday, July 26, 2009


We visited the medical university and the medical history meseum in Vienna this week. The meseum was absolutely fascinating. It began with an exhibit displaying centuries of medical device history with such things as old bone saws and blood letting utensils. It was a brief look into biomedical engineering's ancestry and I loved it.  The museum also had a complete anatomical wax collection which revivaled body worlds in its detail.   
Our tour guide at the medical school was a medical student going into her fifth year. We began our day with a biochemistry professor who gave a lecture on the Austrian medical school system and facts about the Vienna Medical School and Hospital. It is the second largest hospital in the world! He talk spoke of how medical students in Vienna enter their studies straight out of high school as other Europeans do and it takes them six years to finish. I'm glad this isn't the case back home because I would be in search for another profession. I have seen many med schools in Texas so it was cool to see how other aspiring physcians continents away make into doctor-hood.  I think I definately could spend a few years studyin the human here!   

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