Thursday, July 09, 2009

6 Days in Germany....

The process of traveling from Dallas to Germany was rocky. My flight out of DFW was delayed for 2 hours due to some hydraulic pump issues (which were never fixed!!), causing me to miss my connecting flight from London to Cologne. While we waited for the next flight, we found some fellow travelers. Well, the plane we were supposed to take in London was "unfit for flight" so we were forced to wait and take a plane to Duesseldorf, which kept being delayed due to bad weather. Finally after hours of delay we made it to Duesseldorf, Germany. This was very exciting because although it was the wrong city it was the correct country :) We took a taxi from the airport to our host families in Bonn. This was pretty fun because we were on the autobahn....NO SPEED LIMIT!

My first day in Bonn was pretty interesting. Olaf took us on a short walking tour around the main part of the city. We got German cell phones, had a 4th of July BBQ for us and our host families, and attended a music festival called Rhine Kultur. On Sunday, I went to the Gay Pride Parade in Cologne, which was very cool.

Our first week of class and activities was very eventful. We had a tour of Bonn, 2 Germany lessons, a rooftop tour of the Cologne Cathedral, and a tour of an old Gestapo Prison. The Cologne Cathedral is beautiful. The architecture is so intricate and detailed with every statue being different. We also got to see the extensive anatomical collection at the University in Cologne.

Can't wait to see what happens this weekend in Amsterdam!! It's going to be unforgettable.

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