Friday, July 10, 2009

July 8, 2009

Today we went to Cologne! It was wonderful! I just wish I wasn't so tired.. last night, I probably had the most expensive/amazing dinner I've ever had. Justin and I want to his host house to celebrate his host brother, Ulley's award from the city of Bonn in Computer science. He designed a program for the baseball teams to minimize their travel time between cities. He used C++ and he is a genius!

So we went to dinner, not expecting much, and they pulled out a four hours, probably ten course meal. If was filled with steak, sausage, vegetables, salad, bread, cocktails, and $1000 wines... Yeah, I had probably five glasses of probably the most expensive wine I will ever drink. They were celebrating with wine from 1982, which was Ulley's birth year, so the wine was 27 years old! We had one red wine and four Reislings. It was absolutely terrific, and we learned so much about their culture at the meal.

Ulley's proffesor was at the meal, and he was so interested in us. He was asking us questions about our impressions f Germany and every once in a while would translate what the family was talking about into English. Dr. Wasser had told us that professors were very prestigious here, and we got to see it first-hand. The family would push food on him, not accepting no. But I don't think he cared too much because the food was so good and the wine so expensive.

So, then in Cologne, we first took a tour of their medical school. The anatomical collection was amazing! I had such a good time there, and my favorite exhibits were the elephant parts!

Then, we went to eat. We ate curry sausage, which was supposedly the city's dish, but I didn't like it much. We went across the city on a tour for the next aprt of the day , then went to get beer and icecream! Then, to the Cologne Cathedral. Amazing. It was breathtaking and so interesting. I never thought I was at all interested in history, but this trip is really cathcing me off guard.

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