Friday, July 31, 2009

Social Acceptance

Nose bleeds are unexpected, unavoidable, and in most public social circles (minus fighting) is considered disguesting.

Caitlyn and I located ourselves into some seats facing an elderly couple for our train ride back to Bonn from the Zoo in Cologne. I settled in and pulled out my book and just when i was about to start enjoying it I felt a tickle in my nose. Being sick and all I was prepared for this and pulled out my tissues to blow my nose. When I felt I could get no more out from my labors, I continued to read my book. And wouldn't you know it, I felt my nose start to drip again! I thought nose this is getting rediculous to which it replied you don't even knose the half of it. (I know it's corny but I had to throw that in there.) Before I could get another tissue out, it dripped onto my shirt. I looked down at it out of habit and realized it was blood! I got a little bit of toilet paper out in time to stop the on pour but knew it would not be enough. I needed back ups! Luckily Caitlyn also had some tissues that were much thicker than the toilet paper I was using. Several pieces were used but it finally stopped after sometime.

But you know what? Despite haveing blood on my WHITE shirt, back pack and hands and the annoyance of an unexpected nose bleed, I felt more sorry for the elderly couple sitting across from me than I did for myself. Here they were trying to enjoy a quiet pleasent train ride, and I show up. Bleeding from the nose and causing such a rukus to fix the situation. All the while I'm right in front of them. They can't really avoid looking at the scene unfolding in front of them. They tried. From the little bit I could see of them behind the tissue, I could tell the old lady directly in front of me was very disgusted and trying very hard to avoid looking at me. She would gaze out the window on her left or look at her husband on her right, but staring off into space looking forward was out of the question.

One can't really be mad at the person for the nose bleed, but a part of you wants to because they're inadvertently forcing you to watch something grose. Not like horror movie grose but like changing a poopy diaper grose. Unavoidable and necessary to take care of.


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