Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend adventure number one

So this weekend 10 of us from the group went to Amsterdam for the weekend. The first thing we did, of course, was visit the Red Light District, but that is such a small part of the city... i think it gets a bad wrap. We went to a few art museums. The Van Gogh Museum was my favorite. Being able to see the paintings that I studied in art classes was amazing. The pictures of the paintings out of books do not do them justice; so much more feeling and emotion comes across when you are actually standing in front of a self portrait of Van Gogh, staring into his eyes.
The city of Amsterdam itself, outside of the red light district, is quite nice. It has a canal/river system runs though the town past its tall buildings. And the people were nice as well, different than the people here in Germany...not to say that the people here arent nice... The people in Amsterdam were more willing to talk with you and have a conversation. They would smile back at you as you passed on the street, something that doesnt happen here in Bonn.
This was also my first hostel experience. It wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. The beds were surprisingly comfortable and the room was clean. It was a little strange sharing a room with 4 other people I had never met before but I guess it wasnt that bad.

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