Thursday, July 30, 2009

last days in bonn :[

tomorrow and i guess technically sunday evening will be our last days in Bonn. i wish we had more time to spend in Bonn. its a great atmosphere with affordable food and shopping. not to mention the delicious fruit you can buy in the marketplatz.

last night i went out to dinner with my host family and we ate tapas at a cute little spanish restaurant. the food was good but the rabid wasps that kept landing on my face..not good. there are actually a few hole in the wall restaurants around bonn! hopefully i'll be able to make it back here in future years and enjoy this area again.

yesterday we had a heated debate about the american health care system. it was interesting to read that article and hear what the rest of the group had to say. i like debates because you can see who is truly passionate about their stance or who will waiver in the face of opposition. luckily our group is pretty head strong and everyone who was actively debating held their ground! sometimes we got off topic but i think alot of good ideas were brought to the table. all in all i guess the essense of the debate was there will always be a price on each human life one way or another, it is inevitable.

after that we had a full free day! some people went to the haribo outlet and the others went shopping. my group found an AMAZING accessory store and i bought some cute jewellry. i also found the cutest boots EVER... too bad they were 110 euros. my mom wouldn't have appreciated that purchase.

today we watched a movie about berlin wall. it was a very emotional movie and it sparked my interest to learn more about that period of germany's history. i have to admit, i honestly have very little knowledge about germany post WW2. i'm going to talk to my host dad about how we felt about the wall and what it was like growing up during that time!

we leave for paris tomorrow evening after we visit the Koln Zoo! update on that when we get back.


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