Thursday, July 16, 2009

Off to Prague

It's the end of our week in Hannover :( but we are all heading to Prague! The week here in Hannover was crazy because we were always doing something. We went to the Heart and Diabetes center in Bad Oeyhausen and we were allowed to watch Open Heart Surgery! It was amazing and suprisingly I didn't get sick. My group got to see the VADs (artificial hearts) that are used in patients waiting for a transplant. We also met a patient who is currently living with a VAD and he seemed to be doing great.

We went to the MHH and saw the nephrology department, where people were on dialysis. Then came the fun stuff...the vet school. The TIHO has a research farm that we toured. When we went to the actual vet school we were able to see the anatomy departments collection of models which was really cool because some of them were from the beginning of the 19th and 20th century. Another impressive part of the vet school was the clinic for cattle. It was hugh and there were a lot of things to see. One cow was having surgery done to repair a displaced abomasum. It was really interesting to see the vet shove his arm into the cow's stomach. At the clinic they do a large amount of artificial insemination research which requires the retrieval of the cow's eggs. This is done by palpating the cow's uterus through the rectum, which we all had the chance to do!!! This was really gross and exciting. I'm off to Prague for the weekend. :)

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