Sunday, July 12, 2009

End of Week 1!!!!!

So, its the end of the first full week in Germany and I'm exhausted. On Friday, we started talking about the history of medical and veterinarian schools. This was really interesting because it showed how this profession began. We also had our first cultural studies session with Steffi. This was a lot of fun because we all discussed things that we have noticed since being in Germany. Someone mentioned that there are no water fountains, which is true and odd! Back home we have water fountains EVERYWHERE.

Once class was over everyone headed to the train station. Ten of us went to Amsterdam this weekend and it was awesome. We got to see a very different type of culture while we were there. Things are definitely more laid back in Holland. On Saturday we saw a lot of art. We went to the Van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum, which contains a large number of Rembrandt's paintings. We also went to the original Heineken brewery, where we got to walk through a museum that explained how the company started. It also allowed us to see the type of equipment used to make beer. We were given a sample of wort, which is barley and water. It was surprisingly delicious! :) On Sunday we went to Anne Frank's house where her family was hidden during the WWII. It was very powerful and it made everything more real. We got to walk in the Secret Annex and see exactly where everyone slept. Due to rainy weather, we weren't able to do a canal ride so we went shopping instead!

Hopefully the rest of the trip is this much fun!

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